Logitech G502 Proteus Core Teardown & Scroll Wheel Replacement
So I recently acquired a Logitech G502 mouse, and I have to say I absolutely love it. It's a beautiful mouse, and a worth upgrade to my old G500s mouse. However my one gripe was the new all-metal scroll wheel. While the weight was nice, I missed the rubber ring around my old 500s. This led me to attempt to replace the new 502 scroll wheel with the old one from my busted 500s.
So let's get started shall we?
So the feet are layered. There's double-sided adhesive foam, with the feet on top. On the back foot, I managed to peel off the feet with the foam. However on the front two feet the foam stayed stuck to the chassis.
That's awesome. The wheels use the exact same assembly. Swapping them out should just be a simple case of pick up and drop. Okay let's do just that then. I'll use the 500s in the pictures, but the process of taking the scrollwheel assembly off is the same for both mice.
So let's get started shall we?
So as you can see, these are what the mice look like side-by side. While they look drastically different, the ergonomics are actually very similar among the two.
The first step was to take the mouse feet off and unscrew the screws that hold the chassis in place.
Lever the feet off gently with a flathead screwdriver. |
And they just peel right off. |
There's four screws on the underside of the mouse. |
So the feet are layered. There's double-sided adhesive foam, with the feet on top. On the back foot, I managed to peel off the feet with the foam. However on the front two feet the foam stayed stuck to the chassis.
The next step was to separate the chassis from the top of the mouse.
Those are some pretty sweet looking innards. Looks even more clean than the 500s, and has some pretty nice mechanical switches for the extra buttons, opposed to the pushbutton switches the 500s had. Here's a side-by-side of the two mice for comparison:
Using the flathead, gently separate the top from the chassis, starting at the back... |
... and working your way towards the front. |
Optional: using the flathead disconnect the ribbon that connects the thumb-button board to the mainboard. |
Continue levering the top away from the chassis. When you get to here or so it might start getting a little stubborn, but keep with it, it will separate with enough force. |
And here we have the chassis with the top cover removed. |
Those are some pretty sweet looking innards. Looks even more clean than the 500s, and has some pretty nice mechanical switches for the extra buttons, opposed to the pushbutton switches the 500s had. Here's a side-by-side of the two mice for comparison:
That's awesome. The wheels use the exact same assembly. Swapping them out should just be a simple case of pick up and drop. Okay let's do just that then. I'll use the 500s in the pictures, but the process of taking the scrollwheel assembly off is the same for both mice.
So this pin that holds the assembly in place on the board. Just gently ease it out. |
If you have trouble push from the other side with the screwdriver. |
Now you can just take the entire assembly off. |
Repeat the same process on the other mouse. |
The mice's two wheels. |
Now simply drop the 500s' superior wheel into the 502. |
Put the pin in, drop the thumb-button board back in place and reconnect the ribbon cable. |
Finally drop the top back on, screw the screws back in and stick the feet back on. |
And now we have a 502 with a superior scrollwheel. |
Seriously. Look at that gorgeous rubberised wheel. nnggh. |
Hi Sidd, i would like to thank you so much for this great post, as i was starting to give up on this mouse cause of it's heavy uncomfortable scroll wheel, i googled the topic to see if other people hated it like me, and i cam across this awesome post.
ReplyDeleteand i would like to share with you my experience.
when i saw this i decided to do it too, so i ordered a replacement scroll wheel for the G500s from ebay, thinking it was a "plastic" rubberized scroll wheel so it would have been lighter than that of the G502. when it came i figured out it was also made of metal but rubberized and i still have the problem of the too much weight in the front part of the mouse so here is what i did.
i took of the metal part of the wheel ( and it was very tricky to figure out how, but thanks god i did ) i cut 2 thin hard rubber gaskets from inside and outside to match the diameter of the original, and put them on the extremities of the plastic scroll wheel where the metal part was fitted on & between them electrical tap to make a thick part to fit on it the rubber part i took of the G500s wheel applying some glue between each of the 3 parts made them as one piece.
in such way i got a rubberized scroll wheel and at the same time got rid of the too much weight in the front part of the mouse.
here are some images for the final result:
Thanks again Sidd & i hope you good days.
Hi Sidd,
DeleteGreat post you have here! Quick question though that's been bothering me: on your g502 is the side scroll right button stiffer than side scroll left? Idk if it's just me or if it's something on all the mice
Yeah the side scroll right button is stiffer than the left one in my case.
DeleteHey Wae, sorry it took so long to reply to this! Loving the project! Really awesome to see people doing this kinda thing, and great pictures. Out of curiosity how does the lightness affect the free-scroll?
ReplyDeleteThanks sidd for replying back, its ok don't worry about the long time passed.
Deletei am glad you liked it.
Answering your question, the free scroll now will keep on from 4 to 8 seconds depending on the force applied.
but i recently bought a Roccat Tyon, as i couldn't get used to the feel of the G502 in my hands.
My g502 is having this shaky mouse wheel problem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8HT-8xLsrg
ReplyDeleteAfter replacing it , are you still expericing this ? is there any alternative mwheel besides g500s ?
Best regards
Hi man, to get rid of this do like i did, basically you have to insert 2 pieces of thin wire in the top left and right of the scroll wheel axis.
Deletethis is image will make it clear for you. http://i.imgur.com/zVAFS4y.jpg
I was wondering if the g500s and g500 both have the same scroll wheel basically i dont know if this is compatible with g502.
ReplyDeleteSo Sidd could you please inform me i rly want the other scroll for bhopping :)
Hey, did ever order one and try? I was wondering the same thing and I'd like to know if the scroll wheel you linked would work in a g502.
DeleteAnd if you didn't, could someone else answer if you know?
Yes it does, I ordered on from ebay and just put it in. Works great! You just have to remove the black hinge piece on top (as shown in the pic).
Hey, thanks for the awesome tutorial.
ReplyDeleteI bought my replacement wheel here for 4.50
I did an extra thing where I placed a little piece of cloth-based tape around the little lever that the wheel spins on. That muffled the sound when I used the scroll wheel (non-free scroll mode).
Also, I managed to scuff the plastic a bit when I first tried using pliers. If you guys have any, I'd suggest something similar to an ice pick. That helped me in all of my steps.
Crap. can't edit this. I meant flathead screwdriver instead of pliers. As an alternative, wrap electrical tape around it to soften the edges before trying to use it to pry anything.
DeleteThanks for the informative post. I've already had a G502 two different times and wasn't crazy about it. The scroll wheel was one of the things I didn't like. Clunky, heavy, and seemed to make the whole mouse vibrate every time I had to reposition it.
ReplyDeleteI would love to see both of those wheels on a scale. Is it any noticeably lighter? I'm thinking of trying it a 3rd time. I'm a slow learner.
Hi John, here you have it Bro, http://i.imgur.com/Lexc6I8.jpg
Deleteits about 2 gm lighter, i bought one and i was still not satisfied, so i built my own with 2 hard rubber gaskets.
I even modded the grip of the mouse, in a way no one did before "or maybe someone did but didn't post it over the internet"
I'm sure you will find this useful : https://youtu.be/SMfhMN-UeLI
Hope you solve it like i did :)
Sorry John ,i didn't know that "Scale" has another meaning beside " Comparison of sizes" .
DeleteHere you are the scroll wheels on a scale:
g502+g500s: http://i.imgur.com/bdsvjWk.jpg
g502 only: http://i.imgur.com/ys8QjaN.jpg
g500s only: http://i.imgur.com/cO5NKVq.jpg
ReplyDeleteInteresting post. I do like the g502 but have a big problem with it. The thumb buttons. Using my grip (claw/palm hybrid) I always accidently click the thumb buttons. My thumb wont feel stable on it, I have a plan to remove them both or just one of them. After removing the shell, would you think this is hard to do?.
I'm a little worried about moving the feet too - not being able to put them back properly and having tracking issues.
Hi UnKnown,
ReplyDeleteThe two thumb buttons are kept in place with screws, once unscrewed you can slide them out.
" they are the 2 screws on the right side of the flipped shell "
The problem is that to open the mouse the feet has to be removed, when i removed them to mod mine i failed to do it without ruining them, as they are thin and easily deformed maybe i did it wrong, but i'm sure that i did it with caution.I ended up buying a PTFE sheet and made new feet out of it.
I wish you the best of luck.
ReplyDeleteGreat teardown, I was wondering if it's possible to switch out the blue light for the G with a different light? I want it to match the rest of my setup.
D5 from picture: http://cdn.overclock.net/9/93/930a865a_DSC00169.jpeg
ReplyDeleteis the blue G led correct? Anybody know the footprint for it? If we could find a replacement we could change the G color to anything we want. Something like this may be a good replacement if we make sure we dont put the brightness all the way up? http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/MLERED-A1-0000-000U01/MLERED-A1-0000-000U01CT-ND/3074415
I have a G502 though the sensor in mine seems to have devleoped a fault and now wont track righrt just send thecursor into the cornor of my screen and I can't get the mouse to work properly anyore. So I am trying to RMa my mouse and hopefully get a new one if now then I will need to try and find the issue.
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for this post, seem easy enough. I swear, G502's scroll drives me nuts. Do you happen to know, if M500's wheel compatible? I have G500s and M500, both in working condition. I use G500s on another rig, so would prefer to tear down M500.
ReplyDeleteNo clue, sorry.
DeleteCan anyone confirm that the g500 mouse wheel works the same as the orig g502 wheel, or if the g700 works better?
ReplyDeleteIve had the g502 for about 6 months, it performs flawless but I hate the feel of the wheel with a passion. I came across this thread little over a week ago.
ReplyDeleteIMO... Logitech just plain blew it on the G502 thumb wheel. For me, it's not that it's too heavy although I understand that, it's that there is little to no traction. My finger slips on it like crazy. I am hoping for the next generation they use on a good medium weight hi-traction (rubber) thumb wheel. I hope it comes soon before I start looking elsewhere.....
ReplyDeleteWas about to return this mouse because of the scroll. Wheel, I'll try a mod instead.
ReplyDeleteWoo, success! http://i.imgur.com/YSp80nG.jpg
ReplyDeleteIn the end, I just purchased scroll for G500/G700 from AliExpress for 10 bucks. Works beautifully. Very pleased with the result. Thanks a lot for tutorial.
Congrats man and welcome to the Club of G502's with superior wheel :D
DeleteHaving mine also modded and loving it, will keep my mouse for a long time now.
Nice one! Looks pretty swanky with a shiny polished wheel.
DeleteI just got my G502 mouse today. I've ordered a G700/500 scroll wheel from Ebay for $10 because this mod is genius and not too difficult and the G700 mousewheel is so much more comfortable. Thanks for showing us how!
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome! Glad you liked the thing.
ReplyDeleteA word of warning to anyone who is doing this - *please* watch out for the daughterboard (the tiny board that controls the thumb buttons) and make sure you know exactly where it goes. I just got a brand new G502 Proteus Spectrum and couldn't figure out where the board goes. Well, it gets mounted with the rest of the electronics on the main section of the mouse and not the shell on top. I messed with it for a full hour until I realized it just slides right in to the bottom and it isn't mounted on the plastic shell.
Just watch and keep an eye out for everything and make sure you go slowly and don't force anything. Be mindful of how the ribbon cables plug in, etc. Remember - nothing electronic goes on that top shell. It's basically a bunch of plastic.
It's hard to tell from the pictures and description, but were you able to remove the feet and reuse them after putting it back together?
ReplyDeleteIt's my first day with the mouse, and everything is great, I just hate the wobbly wheel. I don't even really mind the slicker surface of the wheel, but I have no idea why they would let it feel so sloppy. My G9, which has all the wheel functions that this one does, has never felt as sloppy. Tight and noiseless.
I was for most of them, but some I removed a little jankily, so I had to cut some 'flared' bits off the ends of some of the feet. It worked absolutely fine for the most part, but I ended up ordering a replacement set from Logitech anyway.
DeleteRight on, thanks for the reply. I think I will try using a heat gun, with moderate heat of course, to loosen the adhesives on them to make removal easier.
DeleteI also may try a small nylon washer or something for the slop in the wheel if I can. Not sure if that is doable or not.
Also, did the G500s wheel take care of the slop?
DeleteNot sure what you mean by 'the slop'?
DeleteThe side to side play.
DeleteAh. No, it did not. Still plenty of slop on the 500s wheel too.
DeleteHaha, so just a crappy design then I guess.
DeleteDone! a very nice guide, took me a total of 20 minutes even being careful. Some notes that I can add.
ReplyDelete1. the screws are very tiny and it took some old watch screwdrivers to get it to fit.
2. the pads that cover the screws are a bit of a pain and don't look that nice when you have to put them back on, go with a previous comment and get some PTFE and cut them yourself.
3. the side board can rest in its little slot, no real need to disconnect it from the mainboard, the top shell comes off with enough force.
Fix for Middle press button force being too high
DeleteI came across your post as the middle button on my Logitech G502 is very hard to press as is a problem for me. It requires way too much force to press and I have always felt that it was a weak point. So I stripped my mouse so I could get to the micro switch that is responsible for the middle mouse press. Once I had stripped the wheel assembly I could see the middle mouse button micro switch.
On either side are two springs. I removed these and it is much better. I don't get miss pressed button actions as it has reduced the force required by a third. It is now far more similar to the tilt switches in feel.
If you look at this picture you can just see them under the clear plastic.
I now store the springs in the plastic weight container :)
This picture....
You can also buy replacement pads off ebay for FA, if you ruin them.
Deleteif you take your mouse appart and wonder where those two tiny little springs come from, take a look at picture 22 (in front of the wheel on both sides of the switch for the middle click)
ReplyDeleteHey man, I just did this mod with excellent success! This will make my 8 hr/day with the mouse much more enjoyable. Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the kind words - glad it helped!
DeleteJust ordered the wheel from ebay, awesome mod.
ReplyDeleteThanks! Hope it goes/went well
DeleteDid it today, worked well - so happy. Have my babies.
DeleteHi Sidd, I just got the G502 and I was wondering if swapping out the scroll wheel made the mouse any lighter?
ReplyDeleteFraid not, the lower weight from the new scroll wheel was negligible for me :/
DeleteDone, easy as pie. Thanks! I like the weight of the all metal wheel, but haaaaate it's smooth texture. If they'd add some nice grippy rubber to that steel wheel, it would be perfect. Until then, this is much better. Thanks brosef.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for this guide. I was so close to give up this G502 mouse but found this article instead.
ReplyDeleteIf I could just add a bit of warning about forcing G502 top chassis off: front of it is hooked in two points which can be damaged when forcing your way up. You should try to push top chassis forward (and less up) to let those hooks ease instead of breaking off.
PS. Somebody tell Logitech how bad all metal wheel is :)
My biggest issue with the scroll wheel for G502 is that it scrolls too easily. When i press the middle click I accidentally scroll sometimes which sucks while in game. Does this fix that problem?
ReplyDeleteAlso am i still able to do side swipes with the middle mouse button?
Nah - it doesn't fix the accidental scroll issue. I still do that all the time.
DeleteSide swipes still work fine.
Has anyone successfully fixed the rattle noise in G502 Spectrum?
ReplyDeleteGoodness - thank you. I got the 502 after I failed to clean the LMB switch inside the 500. Got it out of the box and was immediately disappointed about how hard it was to scroll up and down with the heavy wheel. Free mode worked GREAT, but I like the other mode for most of my computer use. Swapping them out was easy.
ReplyDeleteAs you said, the front got a bit.... scary but I stuck with it and it came apart without issue. Perhaps more amazingly... it went back together without issue too. All the buttons seem to work and my wheel is now awesome too.
Thanks for writing this stuff.
Does the side clicks still work with the 500s wheel?
ReplyDeleteMy g502 wheel click failed on me but it was double clicking before that happened. I wondering if I need to also replace the MMB round-yellow microswitch too.
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